Point Loma Yacht Club Constitution

Article I
Club Name

This organization shall be known as the Point Loma Yacht Club (PLYC)

Article II
Club Objective

The objective of this Club shall be to encourage the sport of yachting in cooperation with the Southern California Yachting Association (SCYA) and the San Diego Association of Yacht Clubs (SDAYC). The Club shall promote an active, social, and activities schedule for the benefit of its members and their guests. In all of its endeavors, the Club will foster a Corinthian spirit and promote the traditions of the sport.

Article III
Officers, Directors, and Appointed Officials

Duties and Powers of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors shall have final authority in the management of the affairs and finances of the Club.

Board of Directors: The Eleven (11) member Board of Directors shall consist of the elected Officers, Directors and the Junior Staff Commodore.

Bridge Officers: The elected Bridge Officers of the Club shall be:

1. Commodore
2. Vice Commodore
3. Rear Commodore
4. Secretary
5. Treasurer

The Bridge Officers shall execute their responsibilities as required by this Constitution and the Club Bylaws. The Commodore, Vice Commodore, and the Rear Commodore shall be known as Flag Officers of the Club.

Directors: In addition to the elected Bridge Officers of the Club, the membership shall elect Five (5) Directors.

Staff Commodores: Upon completion of his or her service as Commodore, the Commodore shall become the Junior Staff Commodore until the succeeding Commodore completes his or her service as Commodore. All former Commodores. after serving as Junior Staff Commodores shall hold the title of Staff Commodore for life.

Appointed Officials: The Commodore may appoint, with the approval of the Board of Directors, members to assist in meeting the objectives of the Club. These officials may, among other duties, chair ad-hoc committees, represent the Club and its interests at SCYA and SDAYC meetings or other events as directed by the Board of Directors.

Article IV
Duties of Officers

Commodore: The Commodore shall take command of the Club, preside at meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors, and enforce the Constitution and Bylaws of the Club. He or she shall monitor the conduct of the officers of the Club and Club members, and the general welfare of the Club. He or she may call special meetings of the Club, or of the Board of Directors, whenever he or she deems it necessary, or upon the written request of five members in good standing. He or she shall execute all written contracts of the Club and perform such other duties as the Club or Board of Directors may prescribe. He or she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He or she shall appoint the Port Captain.

Vice Commodore: The Vice Commodore shall assist the Commodore in the discharge of his or her duties and officiate in his or her absence. He or she shall chair the Program Committee or designate the chairperson with the approval of the Commodore.

Rear Commodore: The Rear Commodore shall assist the Commodore and Vice Commodore in the discharge of their duties, and officiate in their absence. He or she shall chair the Membership Committee or designate the chairperson with the approval of the Commodore.

Secretary: The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Club and of the Board of Directors and have custody of all reports, records, documents, and communications connected with the business of the Club, maintain the roster of members and their yachts, conduct the correspondence of the Club, and issue notices of meetings. He or she shall, with the Commodore, sign and execute all written contracts and obligations of the Club, and shall perform such other duties, consistent with the nature of his or her office, as shall be from time to time requested by the Commodore or the Board of Directors.

Treasurer: The Treasurer shall collect and hold in the name of the Club, all monies reviewed by and belonging to the Club, pay all bills contracted by the Club which shall be certified correct by one of the Flag Officers or Board of Directors of the Club, keep a true and complete record of all money and property of the Club received by him or her, and all disposition made by him or her of said monies and property, and make a report of the receipts and disbursements as the Board of Directors may direct.

Port Captain: The Port Captain shall have supervision over berthage, floats, anchorages, buoys, etc., maintained by the Club. He or she shall chair the Race Committee or designate the chairperson with the approval of the Commodore.

Article V
Election of Officers and Directors

Annual Elections: The Officers and Directors of the Club shall be elected by mailed or emailed ballots prior to the November Commodore’s Ball, or called meeting and shall be installed at the Commodore’s Ball or said called meeting. They shall hold office for one year or until their successors are elected or appointed.

Nominating Committee: There shall be a nominating committee chaired by the Junior Staff Commodore and composed of three most recent Staff Commodores available to serve as well as any additional Staff Commodores appointed by the committee chairperson. This shall consist of as many Staff Commodores as interested in attending.

The Nominating Committee shall propose a slate of Flag Officers; Secretary, Treasurer, and Five (5) Directors approximately sixty (60) days prior to the election to the Board of Directors which shall, in addition to the Nominating Committee, include the current Flag Officers. Once the Nominating Committee has reached consensus, the slate shall be approved by the full Board of Directors at or before the October Board Meeting and posted on the Club Bulletin Board/ Website, thirty days before the election. The slate will be sent to all members by the appropriate means at least ten (10) days prior to the election.

Members may be elected and re-elected to Director, Secretary or Treasurer without limitation on the number of terms they serve as long and they remain qualified for the elected position in accordance with this Constitution. The natural progression, however, from Director, Secretary, or Treasurer to Flag Officer is encouraged but not necessarily required.

A Regular Member in good standing for a minimum of Six (6) months may submit a nomination for Director position to the Secretary prior to or at the October Board meeting, and after having served on the board for a minimum of Six (6) months, a candidate may then submit for any position to the Secretary prior to or at the following year’s October Board meeting. The Nominating Board/Committee may also at its discretion review an applicant’s resume and if qualified, place said candidate on the slate regardless of how long he/she has been a member.

Any Officer of the Club or Director may submit their resignation by written communication and once accepted, the Commodore may appoint a replacement with the approval of the Board of Directors. This appointment process applies at any point where the Board of Directors falls below the required eleven (11) members.

Article VI

General Membership Meetings: General Membership Meetings will be held approximately quarterly during the year with the dates set by the Board of Directors.

Board Meetings: The Board of Directors shall meet on the second Tuesday of each month.

Article VII

Twenty-five (25) percent of the Regular Membership in good standing; or two (2) Flag Officers and fifteen (15) members in good standing, shall constitute a quorum for all general membership meetings. Fifty percent is the quorum for Board of Director meetings.

Article VIII
Standing Committees

The standing Committees of the Club shall be known as Membership, Race, and Program. The Committees provided for herein shall be under the supervision and control of the Board of Directors, and shall be accountable to, and shall act in cooperation with, the Commodore and the Board.

Membership Committee: The Membership Committee’s duties are to investigate applicants for membership and actively recruit new members. Applicants shall be persons of good moral character and must be approved by the Board of Directors.

Race Committee: The Race Committee shall direct and control all races sailed under the auspices of the Club, and shall promptly submit a written results report to the Secretary for posting and record keeping. The Committee shall receive entries for races, provide stake-boats, issue Sailing Instructions, appoint members to assist the Committee, and direct all matters connected with racing.

Program Committee: The Program Committee shall be in charge of Club events, educational programs, general membership meetings and other events. The Committee shall arrange facilities, select program speakers and provide refreshments.

Article IX

Membership is open without regard to gender, race, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status, or any other classification protected by law. A married spouse will be recognized as a member, with one vote per couple. A member’s unmarried partner must be cohabitating to qualify for provisional membership.

Membership Numbers: Memberships shall be numbered consecutively and carried on the rolls of the Club according to seniority.

Membership Types:

Regular Membership: Is open to individuals whose age is 21 or greater who desire to participate in Club events. Regular members in good standing shall be voting members. Spouses of voting members shall have equal standing in the Club and each couple shall have a single vote.

Junior Membership: Is open to individuals whose age is 16 to 20 who desire to participate in Club events. Junior members shall not pay initiation fees or annual dues. Junior Members shall have all the rights of Regular Members except voting rights. Upon reaching age 21 Junior Members may become regular members upon payment of initiation fees and annual dues. Board approval shall not be required.

Honorary Membership: Shall be awarded by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors to individuals of distinction and influence. Honorary Members shall have all the rights of Regular Members except voting rights. Honorary members shall not pay initiation fees or annual dues.

Founding Members: Are members for life who were members when the Club was created. They possess all the rights of Regular Membership and shall be exempt from annual dues. Founding members not presently serving on the Board cannot vote on Board actions.

Inactive Membership: A member in good standing who cannot participate in Club activities may apply in writing to the Board for inactive status. If approved by the Board, an inactive member shall not be required to pay annual dues, and shall not possess voting privileges. Inactive status shall not exceed three years. An inactive member may apply to the Board for reinstatement as a regular member without payment of the initiation fee; current dues shall be paid.

Resignations Any member in good standing may resign upon giving written notice to the Board of Directors. Resignations shall become effective based upon the date the resignation notice is received by the Club. Membership fees may not be refunded at the discretion of the Board.

Article X
Club Burgee

The burgee shall be a traditional triangular pennant shape, the upper half is cardinal red, and the lower half is royal blue. A brilliant yellow disc symbolizing the Sun is slightly lower than center and overlapping the inner and lower edge. In the center of the Sun is the black silhouette of the top of the old Point Loma lighthouse, the windows of the lighthouse are outlined with white and presented to give proper perspective.

Article XI

A member may be expelled, suspended, censured, or otherwise disciplined by the Board of Directors for conduct injurious to the welfare of the Club following a hearing or upon written complaint of two or more Regular Members. The Board shall investigate the circumstances and may expel, suspend, or discipline the member, provided that such member shall be notified of the grievance and given a reasonable opportunity to appear before the Board to defend themselves.

An act of inappropriate conduct, or illegal behavior by any member, or any member of the Board of Directors or Bridge can be punished by a Letter of Censure. It is a reprimand, aimed at reformation of the person and prevention of further offending acts.

Any member of the Board of Directors may introduce a motion for censure at a meeting of the Board. After appropriate discussion and investigation, and a hearing if it is deemed necessary, the Board will decide on a course of action.

Article XII

An amendment to this Constitution must be carried by two-thirds majority of the General Membership present at a General Membership or called meeting, with a quorum present. Mail, email and proxy ballots shall be accepted.


Version 10/12/2016